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Friends On A Walk


Anmer Social Club is a members only club. Membership is open to all, but every prospective member must initially be proposed by an existing member, and seconded by a member of the committee. 


Names are presented to the committee for approval and displayed on the club notice board for 21 days.

Although primarily for providing club facilities and events for those living or working nearby or on the Royal Estate of Sandringham we have many “long distance” members who enjoy visiting the club and taking part in our activities when they are visiting or holidaying in the area. Membership of Anmer Social club provides reciprocal membership of the other Social Clubs on the Royal Estate.


If you are interested in joining the club please click the Application for Membership button at the bottom of the page, print and complete the form and return to the club with your cheque made payable to ANMER VILLAGE CLUB or email: with your name and contact details. Once your application has been considered we will contact you to request payment of your subscription.

If you are visiting West Norfolk, or Sandringham in particular, why not visit us? We are a sociable lot, and will welcome you as a visitor to our club.

The current subscription is £5.00 per year per member. Membership runs from 1st January  to 31st December, part yearly subscriptions are not generally available.   However, for any  prospective member joining the club after 1st November  it has been agreed that their  initial subscription will also cover the following year.   

Application Forms

Please download your application forms here:

Application for membership Form:

Membership renewal Form:

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